The Better Way To Pour Milk
Have you ever tried to fill up a bowl of cereal or pour a glass of milk only to spill it? Although it’s no use crying over spilled milk, you can try the right way to avoid it.

The next time you try to pour milk, simply go with this simple trick. Just pour milk from the other side of the carton. It not only helps in holding the carton more easily but also avoids milk sloshing. Just give it a try and then let us know if it worked for you.
Takeout Box Unfolds To Become Takeout Tray
If you love Chinese food, then you must be familiar with little cardboard takeout boxes. If you haven't eaten in one of these boxes, then do try eating Chinese food while watching Netflix. Most people eat the food straight out of the box, but most people don't know that there are better ways to do it.

You can simply unfold the box and use it as a plate. It is a lot easier and better than using additional dishes.
It's Actually A Built In Saucepan Handle
Some people love cooking while others have to do it because of two reasons: they don’t want to eat outside or they are done with ordering online food. Once you are done cooking, you have to deal with the next part of cleaning (which you don't like unless you are Monica Geller).

Most of us just dip a spoon in a saucepan and leave it on the countertop. But did you know that there's a hole in the saucepan handle where you can easily balance the spoon? Next time you cook something, just use it to avoid clean up after cooking.
Wooden Hangers Actually Have Another Use
You can manage your wardrobe by either hanging your clothes in the closet or throwing them all in one place to make a big pile where your pet cat or dog can sleep. How many of you use wooden hangers?

We are quite sure that most people don't know another major use of wooden hangers. If you already have some wooden hangers somewhere in your house, use them as they repel moths and keep your wardrobe safe from them.
The Car Headrest Could Actually Save Your Life
If you ever tried to play around with the headrest of the car only to discover that it comes right off if you pull it? You may have thought that it doesn't serve any purpose. But why would someone try to remove a headrest in the first place?

Well, you will be surprised to know that a headrest is there in case of an emergency. If you ever get trapped in a car, you can use a headrest to break a car window. We can hope that you never get to use a headrest, but if it ever comes to that then you know what to do.
Computer Mouse, Meet Analog Watch
Most of you may have never thought about another use of an analog watch. After all, it tells the time and nothing else. Well, there is another trick involving an analog watch to keep your screen saver from coming on and locking your computer. It can be frustrating to go out for some time and the computer locks you out.

Simply place the laser mouse over your watch and step away from your computer for as long as you want. The mouse will read the ticking hand of the watch and this way your computer won't go to sleep mode.
Soda Can Tab Has A Secret Second Purpose
Although a tab of a soda can seems like it serves just one obvious purpose, not many people know that it is designed for another as well.

So there is a hole in the tab that can be used to make sure your straw doesn't fall out. Simply put the straw through the hole and you can enjoy the drink much more easily.
Peanut Butter Jar Trick For Those Hot Summer Days
It is hot outside and you want to beat the heat by spending some time hanging out by the water. It's a great idea, but there is one little issue with it. Most of us carry around electronic devices these days and you know very well that they don't get along with water that much. Many cellphone warranties don't even cover water damage.

Moreover, you want to keep your phone safe from thieves and other accidents as well. All you need to do is take a plastic peanut jar with you and use it to keep your phone, keys, and wallet dry.
No Need To Struggle With An Aluminum Foil Box
We miss a lot of little details in many everyday items that we use. Although those little details can be really useful, we never care enough to look closely. Take for example an aluminum foil box.

There's a little tab on one side of the box that you can push in. It helps in holding the roll of aluminum foil in place. It makes it a lot easier to unroll a sheet of foil and tear it off.
How To Properly Use Slushy Lids At 7-Eleven
Unlike other tricks that we gave you here, this one is a bit different as you will have to use something wrong on purpose.

So the next time you go to 7-Eleven to grab a Slurpee, just turn the lid upside down for an extra bit of space. You will be able to enjoy more of Slurpee but do watch out for brain freeze.
Measuring Tape Diamonds Are There For A Great Reason
Most of you must have seen or used a measuring tape in your life. Here is another small detail that you may have missed.

If you look closely, you will notice that there are tiny markings on the tape that are there to help users find the right position for wall studs. The black diamonds (aka stud finders) help you mark the center point between two studs.
Lollipop Sticks Can Actually Save Your Life
You may have noticed that there's a hole at the end of a lollypop stick. Have you ever wondered what the purpose of a little hole in there is? And let's clear it that the hole does not work as a whistle. Well, it is a life-saving hole that is a mandatory part of the production process.

At the time when liquid candy is being poured, it quickly fills the hole and adheres to the stick. So the hole is there to prevent the candy from getting dislodged and stuck in your throat.
The Oven Drawer Doubles As A Food Warmer
The upside of cooking is that you get to eat a tasty meal and the downside is that you need to clean more. If you cook more, you will end up using more trays, pots, and utensils. Some people use oven drawers to just store whatever fits.

But did you know that you can use an oven drawer to store food that has already been cooked? Well, you can store the food which you don’t want to serve immediately to your guests.
A Wooden Spoon For Pasta Is Perfect
If you love pasta, you may have seen this trick. If not, then don't worry because we're here for you. Well, you can prevent water from boiling over and making a sticky mess by simply placing your wooden spoon across a pot of pasta. It is magical and super easy.

The reason why a dry wooden spoon prevents water from boiling over is that the bubbles come into contact with the dry water-repelling surface and that's why the water retreats. Moreover, the wooden spoon is cooler than 100°C, so it easily makes the foam on the water withdraw.
That Fuel Gauge Arrow Actually Means Something
You may have seen videos of people going to fill up their fuel tank and not realizing on which side of the car their fuel tank is on. Although it seems hilarious, you should know that some people do forget it. You can also just not know it when you're using your friend's car or a rental car.

There's one way to check it by getting out of the car. Another easier way is to check for the little arrow on the fuel gauge by the pump symbol. If the arrow points to the right side, it means that the fuel tank is on the right side.
Shopping Cart Loops Are The Hack We Didn't Know We Needed
Most of us use a shopping cart without ever wondering how it is designed. We just know that it has space on the inside for the groceries, wheels to move it around and a handle to push it. Well, there's another handy little feature that we don't use at all.

On the side of the cart, there are loops that can be used to hold your grocery bags. For instance, if you have some fragile items, then you can keep them upright with the help of the loops.
Say Goodbye To Those Annoying Condiment Cups
You go to eat fast food and they give you mustard or ketchup in a condiment cup. Have you ever wondered why the size of the cup isn't right for you? After all, the size of the cup is not right to squeeze your food in there.

But there's actually a trick you can use. All you have to do is flatten the cup before pouring in your condiment. By doing it, you will have a wider area to easily dunk your nuggets and fries in the ketchup or mustard.
Banana Peels Made Easy
First of all, let's clear it that we're not going to tell you how to eat a banana properly. There's no better way than peeling the skin off and eating it. But sometimes, peeling off the skin isn't so easy. There's an easier way to do it.

Simply grab the bottom of the banana and start peeling from there. You will notice that it helps in peeling off skin much easier. By the way, monkeys peel-off banana skin this way. So we can learn something from monkeys.
Juice Box Flaps For Kids
It's a hot summer day and a juice box can help your kid beat the heat. But the problem with the juice box is that sometimes kids squeeze it too hard and it creates a sticky mess everywhere.

You can avoid the juice box mess by opening up the flaps on the bottom of the box. This way your kid will have something to hold the juice box and there will be no squeezing.
Different Problems Require Different Plungers
There are some household items that we don't think about at all unless we absolutely need them. For instance, a plunger is something you hardly think about unless you really need it.

Instead of buying a plunger and thinking that you will use it whenever needed, you need to know that there are different plungers for different problems. You'll need a plunger with a tapered end for your toilet and a flat plunger for your sink.
Pay Attention To The Highway Signs!
When you're trying to go somewhere in your vehicle, there are a thousand things that can go wrong to make your journey longer than expected and more uncomfortable. There can be traffic, problems with your vehicle, and also figuring out how to get to your destination. When you are traveling, paying attention to highway signs is extremely important.

Many people often forget one helpful tip while making an exit. If you notice that the sign for your destination is on the right, then it means that your exit will be on the right. If it is on the left, then your exit is going to be on the left. It seems pretty obvious but you have no idea how many new drivers make this mistake.
Never Ask To Borrow A Spoon Again
Many people love to eat yogurt or a cup of fruit at the start of their day or in the afternoon. It is a good, healthy snack, but there's one little problem: you don't always carry a spoon.

Instead of buying a plastic spoon or borrowing it from someone (which we don't recommend at all), you can easily make a spoon yourself. Just take the lid on the plastic cups and twist it into the right shape to create a makeshift spoon.
For Those People Who Hate Flossing
One thing that dentists always (by always, we mean always) tell everyone is to floss. They keep on reminding us to save our precious teeth. They never stop telling us to floss even if we tell them it sometimes hurt to do it.

If you feel pain while flossing, just tie your floss in a knot and that's pretty much it. Doing so makes it easier for you to maneuver the floss as tying a knot helps increase the tension of the floss. Moreover, you are less likely to lose your grip.
You Don't Have To Touch Those Toilet Seat Covers
Some people prefer not going to a public toilet when nature calls because they can't stand spending a second in a dirty public restroom. But sometimes, there is no other option and you have to do it despite the inconvenience.

We know how toilet seat covers can make a huge difference. Once you pull a toilet seat cover, don't do anything with the handle. Instead of ripping it off or fitting it at the back of the toilet, just leave it around the front. It will make it easier to flush.
Fabric Samples Are Not For What You Expected
What’s the purpose of little patches of fabric that come with a new set of clothes? Do you think they are helpful in case you tear your clothes and they can be used to cover the tear? What if we told you that is not their purpose at all?

The fabric sample is there for you to test it in your washing machine. You can test it to see if your washing detergent changes the color of the fabric or not.
The Perfect Tic Tac Dispenser
Believe it or not, ads in the 1950s used to tell women that they need to keep their breath fresh to ensure their husbands never leave them for other women. We are sure those ads wouldn't be aired now. Both men and women need to keep their breath fresh. That's why many people always carry some Tic Tacs or a pack of gum wherever they go.

One little issue with Tic Tacs is that you can easily spill them. But it doesn't have to be that way. The trick is to turn the Tic Tac pack upside down and use the lid as a dispenser. This way you'll get one Tic Tac at a time.
How To Use The Perfect Amount Of Detergent
There are so many detergent brands out there to help you keep your clothes fresh and clean. However, using too much detergent can damage your clothes. It hurts a lot when a detergent ruins your favorite dress. But how can someone find an appropriate amount of detergent to use without going overboard?

Well, the cap of your detergent helps you find that balance. There are also instructions given on the bottle (which most of us ignore). By using the cap, you can use the right amount of detergent.
Staple Remover
There are items that can be used for many purposes and some items prove to be super useful if you apply little tricks to them. A staple remove is one such item that can be used for other purposes as well.

You can use a staple remover to remove keys from your keychain. You can hurt your fingers when opening your keychain to add or remove keys. With a staple remover, you can do it safely and effortlessly.
Hairpins Haven't Been Used Right In Years
Ladies know that a hairpin is one of those accessories that they must take wherever they go. And using a hairpin is so easy that no one bothers to learn how it's done perfectly.

But you will be surprised to know that most ladies out there have been using it incorrectly. With hairpins, most people face the bumpy side down when it should be the other way. Try to face the bumpy side up and then let us about the difference.
Toothpaste - Only Use The Right Amount
It is best to use everything in moderation, even if it is toothpaste. Not using too much toothpaste or going overboard can also be an issue. Using too much toothpaste is not be right for your teeth and it is waste that can affect the environment and your savings (not too much but still).

You should use the right amount of toothpaste for your teeth. It is best to consult with your doctor about it as using too much toothpaste may cause dental fluorosis, white marks, and discoloration of teeth.
How To Properly Apply Mascara
There are many people who believe that makeup is an art form. Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. Most ladies can agree that they try their best to avoid one thing: clumpy mascara. It can quickly waste the product.

To avoid mascara from getting clumpy, you need to avoid pushing air into the bottle whenever you apply it.
Shampoo Should Be Applied To One Area Only (No, It's Not The Hair)
Taking a hot shower 2 hours before going to bed helps by lowering the body temperature and facilitates the body's natural flow into sleep. And a morning bath is important to get your ready for a hectic day ahead. So when it comes to washing your hair, there's a shampoo trick that you can follow.

No one loves greasy hair, and it smells bad as well. To keep your hair fresh, you need to focus on using the shampoo on your scalp. It is because your scalp is the area that secretes oils, which makes the hair greasy. So, you need to target the source for better results.
Never Get Frustrated With The Ketchup Again
We have to deal with a lot of issues daily. As if life was already not hard enough, many people have to face the difficulty of getting ketchup out of the bottle. Yeah, the struggle is real.

When you find it difficult to get the ketchup out of the bottle, you want to smack the bottom as hard as you can because the option to wait is not acceptable at all. Instead of giving the Heinz Ketchup bottle a good smack, just give a few solid taps on the round "57" sticker.
Natural Peanut Butter Just Got Even Healthier
There are a lot of health benefits of natural peanut butter - it helps in weight loss, lowers the risk of cancer, and prevents gallstones. And most important of all, it tastes so good. However, there's one problem with peanut butter: the separated oil.

To prevent this issue, simply start storing peanut butter upside down. It will ensure the oil easily mixes with your peanut butter.
A Very Hands-Free Orange Trick
There are many health benefits of oranges. For instance, it boosts your immune system, prevents skin damage, lowers cholesterol and risk of cancer, and controls blood sugar level. This delicious snack is amazing, but there is a little inconvenience related to it. Once you're done eating it, there's a sticky mess all over your hands.

To avoid it, all you have to do is follow this trick. Simply cut the orange on ends, top, and bottom. Once you do it, pull the orange open. It's a very handy trick.
Don't Make Slow Cookers Any Slower
You may have noticed that when we have to wait for something time passes at a snail's pace. A slow cooker can be really a great option to cook your meal with minimum effort, but you have to be patient. After all, it's called a slow cooker and not a fast cooker.

Instead of checking your slow cooker from time to time, just let it cook the food. It is because the more you check it, the more heat will come out. While preparing a meal in a slow cooker, just stay patient.
Vegetable Peelers Are Good For More Than Just Peeling
The only way to use a vegetable peeler is to peel vegetables with it (duh, obviously), but did you know that you can use it more than one way. In fact, it can be really helpful to you in preparing a meal.

You can not only peel vegetables with it, but you can also use it to slice them. For instance, try to slice onions with it. The thinner strips of a vegetable peeler make it easier to slice the onion.
Dishwashers Have Some Hidden Tricks To Them
Having a dishwasher in the home can be a blessing because it saves time and helps you stack a lot of kitchen utensils. With a dishwasher in a home, you don't have to hand wash your plates, flatware, and glasses. Moreover, it is much more sanitary and also helps in keeping your kitchen counter free of clutter.

If you use a dishwasher the right way, you can get the most out of it. If you have the dirtiest items, make sure you make them face the spray. Also, don't let anything get in the way of the detergent dispenser.
How To Never Get Frustrated Again With Your Blender
Although not every house has a blender, we feel that every kitchen needs one. From blending fruits to making smoothies for yourself, a blender is a must-have for your home. However, one issue with a blender is that it can get stuck while making smoothies.

To ensure that your smoothie is super smooth, it is best to put the liquids in first. By doing so, the blades will start to pull down the solid and it will help in distributing everything more evenly. As a result, you will get a very smooth smoothie. Enjoy!
Clothes Hanger Inception
There's no denying that moving houses can be really tiring. So any trick that can help in making the moving process easier is welcomed. Did you know that your clothes hangers can prove really handy in relocating your clothes?

Well, start by hanging your clothes and then hang those hangers from another hanger. In case you have a lot of clothes, you can use two or three hangers. It is an easy and simple way to relocate your wardrobe.
Coca Cola Is Like A Miracle Drink
Coca Cola is, without a doubt, one of the world's most popular sodas. You can find it everywhere and it tastes good as well. It can help when you have an upset stomach but did you know that the acidity of this beverage makes it useful for other things as well?

You may have seen videos of people using this beverage for other purposes. You can use it to clean porcelain, tiles, and remove rust.
Extension Cord Trick To Keep Them Working Forever
When it comes to working with extension cords, you can get easily frustrated as you do all the hard work and find that the power is lost.

That's why you need to check on the cables and keep on re-plugging them constantly. To avoid the frustration, all you have to do is loop the extension cords together like this and you're good to go.
Toblerone Eating Done Right
Toblerone is a famous Swiss chocolate bar brand that was first introduced in 1908. Did you know that there's an outline of a bear hidden in the mountain to the left of the word Toblerone? Most of you have been eating it wrong all your life. Although there are many ways to eat it and no one will judge you, experts have pointed out that almost everyone breaks the pieces off by pulling them to the outside.

So, the best way to break the triangles is to push the piece inwards. Why eat messy pieces when you can go break a piece off with minimal effort?
Cupcake Sandwich
There is a possibility that you have been eating cupcakes wrong your entire life. After all, the icing on the top and a dry cake at the bottom seems a bit boring, doesn't it? What if we tell you that you can eat a cupcake in sandwich style? Well, it is so simple. All you have to do is cut the cupcake through the middle or you can also twist the top half from the bottom half with your hands.

Once you do it, just turn the bottom half upside down and place it over the top half. Ta have the frosting in between the top and bottom halves. Enjoy your cupcake sandwich!
Padlock Hole Magic
Have you ever noticed that there's a needle-sized hole at the bottom of a padlock? It is in the design of a padlock for a big reason. If you drop the padlock in water, the little hole is there for drainage. The water could cause rust or freeze without any expansion room, which could easily damage the padlock and might even make it impossible to open until thawed.

If you notice that the padlock is rusty and the key isn't turning because of the rust accumulation, simply pour a few drops of oil in the hole and see the magic.
Rearview Mirror Tab To Avoid You Getting Blinded
It can be frustrating to have someone use high beams to blind you through your rearview mirror. You can use the rearview mirror tab to lessen the impact of those bright lights. Simply press down on the tab of the rearview mirror so that it angles down. Once you do it, the light will reflect downwards and you will have no vision troubles at all.

If there is a manual tilt version, you can use a tab to adjust the mirror between day and night positions.
Conditioner Done Right Will Save Your Hair
Experts recommend that you should never apply hair conditioner to your scalp first. It's because conditioner can make your scalp and roots oily. Given that men and women mostly use shampoo by starting at the scalp, they do the same with hair conditioner as well.

It is best to start at the ends of your hair because they are the most damaged and driest. Start at the end and work your way up. Once your hair has been conditioned, you can shampoo them to prevent your hair from breaking.
The Milk Jug Dent Is Actually Super Useful
You may have noticed a dent in a milk jug and wondered what purpose it serves. Most people don't know much about the two purposes of the dent. The first one is that the dent expands outward in case there is excess gas in the milk jug, hence letting the consumer know that the milk has spoiled.

The second purpose of the dent is to absorb any shock if it falls. It prevents the jug from exploding due to a fall.
Sponges Can Also Double As An Ice Pack
It can be challenging to keep meals cold in a fresh condition. The good news is that there is a simple trick to create an ice pack. All you need to do is grab a sponge and fill it with water. Now place the sponge in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer.

The frozen sponge can stay cold for a long time. Do make sure you use a watertight plastic bag and the sponge should be fresh and not a used one.
Hangers Can Save Even More Space Than You Realized
Closet space issues start to arise when you have an extensive wardrobe. When there's not enough space to put everything, you need to improvise. Take a clothing rack that can easily hold a few hangers. If you want a clothing rack to hold a lot of hangers, then you can use old curtain rings.

Simply hang the rings from the hanger and put your scarves or anything else through them; it will save a lot of space.
Tissue Boxes Can Be Recycled For Something Just As Good
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people collected a lot of toilet paper and tissue boxes. We don't promote toilet paper hoarding. This tip is about how to make the best use of old tissue boxes.

You may have a lot of plastic bags in the house. Instead of throwing them away, you can put them in old tissue boxes. By doing it, you can easily get a plastic bag whenever you need it.
Bread Tags Can Also Be Recycled
Once you finish the bread, it is better not to throw away bread tags. As most people usually throw away the bread tags and even the bag (along with the crust), they don't realize that bread tags serve a lot of other purposes other than just to hold a bread bag closed.

For instance, you can use bread tags to keep the cords organized or you can write notes on them as reminders.
Running Shoes Have An Extra Hole For An Important Purpose
As you start to grow, one of the first things you learn is how to tie your shoes. We make mistakes and eventually we learn how to tie shoes properly. But when it comes to running shoes, there are some extra steps that no one ever taught us (at least most of us). In fact, tying the running shoes the right way can help get better results.

You can find extra holes on both sides of your running shoes. They are used to tighten up the laces. If you tie shoes without using those holes, there are chances you will end up with blisters. So, it is best to tie the laces by using those holes.
Don't Wait Until You're Old To Use A Pillbox
As people who take medications often forget the right time and date to take specific medicines, there are pillboxes that can be super useful in remembering it all. But did you know that there are other uses for pillboxes? You can use them to organize other small things as well.

For instance, you can organize screws, bolts, and even earrings with a pillbox. It makes organizing things a lot more convenient and easier.
Hold On To That Disposable Lid
You buy a soda when you go to watch a movie or when picking up some take out. The plastic lid that comes with a paper cup serves only one purpose: to prevent soda from spilling as you put a straw through the lid and drink the beverage. But there must be some other use, right?

Well, you don't need to take the lid off if you're drinking the soda while standing. But if you want to put it down on a surface, you can fit the cup into the lid, which will work as a temporary coaster and protect tabletops.
Keychain Bottle Openers Are Good For More Than Just Bottles
If you like to party and have some fun, you may have bought a keychain bottle opener at some stage in your life. If you haven't bought it, someone may have handed it to you as a promotional gift. After all, keychain bottle openers are quite handy.

We all know that you can use them to open bottles. But did you know that you can open a can of soda or other beverages by turning a keychain bottle opener around and use its other side?
Dress Shirt Loops - What Are They For?
You may have noticed a little loop of fabric under the collar of a dress shirt and wondered, why it is there? What purpose does a little loop serve as it is an odd little detail in a dress shirt?

Well, they can come in real handy if you want to hang your shirt without a hanger. If for any reason you don't have a hanger, then you can use the loop to hang the shirt to avoid wrinkles on the shirt.
Pasta Ladles Are Good For Portion Control
If you have ever tried to cook pasta, you may have felt that you picked the perfect serving size only to find later that you made too much pasta. It can be frustrating to cook too much or too little pasta. Instead of coming up with a mathematical equation that solves the question of which serving size is perfect, there is a better solution.

You can find a little hole in the pasta ladle. Well, it is there to help you measure out how much pasta you should cook. It gives you the amount of serving that is ideal for one person.
So What Was This Pizza Saver Ever Really For?
As kids, we loved both pizza for dinner and the little pizza table. It can make kids wonder why there is a small pizza table in the middle of the pizza. Is it there so that insects can come have dinner once humans are done eating?

Well, now we know that it is called a pizza saver. It is there to prevent the pizza from touching the box. Without it, cheese and pizza toppings can stick to the pizza box. Another smart way to use a pizza saver is to hold one slice while picking up the other slice. Try it and then let us know about it.
Backpack Patches Are A Hiker's Best Friend
There are many items we use that have little details which most of us often ignore because we think they are there only for decoration purposes. Take an example of some backpacks that have a diagonal leather patch.

A diagonal leather patch really looks good on the backpack, but it serves a purpose. It is in the design of the backpack to attach your hiking gear. You can attach your joggers or any other equipment with it.
French's Mustard Has A Secret No-Mess Feature
From hot dogs to salad dressings, mustard is so useful and great to have on hand. Most of us have it in our fridge at all times- but did you know there's a secret feature you've been missing out on? It's true- there's a secret notch on the back of French's mustard caps! All you have to do is pull the cap back until it catches the notch and let the mustard fly.
Now you won't get mustard on the cap itself, which will save you from that nasty dried mustard that makes us throw perfectly good stuff away prematurely.
Car Seats Aren't Just for Sitting
If there's one thing we're sure of, it's that there's no such thing as too much storage space. Every car owner knows that oftentimes, no matter how big your trunk is, it's simply not enough. And what happens if you want to store some small items that you don't want to lose? Well, some car designers came up with a genius solution for this common issue, and it doesn't have anything to do with the glove compartment.

As it turns out, some cars have hidden storage under the passenger seat. Simply lift the seat cushion, and store your valuables in there! So convenient.