The Little Secret Hole in the Airplane Window
If you're familiar with flying, you've probably sat in an airplane window seat or two. But have you ever noticed the windows have tiny holes near the bottom? No need to freak out; those holes are necessary, and if you see one, it doesn't mean the airplane window is breaking. It's actually intended to do not one, but two things that are incredibly important for safe airplane travel.
These tiny holes actually provide ventilation to alleviate some pressure in the plane and help prevent the windows from becoming foggy! So the next time you're on a plane, you'll know that little hole is there doing its job.
Advil Is Great for Pain and Apparently Pimples
Everyone gets a headache from time to time, and most people have struggled with pesky pimples. What on earth do these two have in common? Well, they can both be treated with Advil. Of course, an Advil capsule can be taken to make your headache disappear, but if you pierce the capsule, the gel has another secret purpose. You can use the gel as a spot treatment to get rid of pimples!
You probably never knew that an ibuprofen pill could work so well for facial blemishes! Just make sure to wash it off after 15 minutes, and you should be good to go.
Pots and Pans Have Holes in the Handles to Rest Your Spoon
Cooking can become really messy, and if you need to stir something continuously, then it doesn't make sense to wash a spoon and grab a new one each time. Have you noticed that most pots and pans hve a hole in the handle? It's not just to hang them up. Its real purpose is to hold the spoons you're using, and because it floats over the pot, it doesn't drip and create a mess!
Who knew this little function would make cooking so much easier and cleaner? Now if they could please invent a pot that washes itself, we'll be forever grateful.
Toothpaste Can Whiten Both Teeth and Nails
Toothpaste is used to freshen your breath and whiten your teeth, but it has another purpose most people have never even heard of! Nails can become stained from nail polish and take weeks to fade away, but toothpaste can help. It might sound bizarre, but whitening toothpaste can lighten teeth and nails. You can dab a bit of toothpaste on your nails, let them sit for 10-15 minutes, and watch the magic happen.
After letting the toothpaste sit on your nails for a while, scrub it off, and voila! They should be lightened and good as new.
Pen Caps Have Holes for One Weird Reason
We always wondered about those tiny holes in pen caps. We always assumed they would dry out the pen or was a manufacturing mistake. But it actually has a secret purpose that people never knew! The manufacturers ures were scared that kids would get ahold of pen caps and it would become a choking hazard. This simple yet effective purpose actually prevents suffocation in case of being swallowed because the hole allows air to pass through.
Who would've guessed this? Those tiny holes in pen caps make so much sense now.
Car Headrests Are Actually Detachable in Case of an Emergency
Not many people look at car headrests and see any alternative function other than making your seat comfortable and giving your head a place to rest. But they are completely detachable for a particular reason! The cushion is attached to metal bars which can be used to smash the window open if you were ever trapped inside a car. Who knew headrests could be used to save a life in just a split second?
If you have nothing else inside your car to use in case of an emergency, then this is your next best option!
Toothpicks Have Built-In Holders
Did you know that some toothpicks have built-in holders? Some people would see these little toothpicks that have ridges at the end and assume it's just designed that way to look fancy. But it actually has a super useful purpose. The end of the toothpick breaks off, and then you can prop your toothpick on it. Now your toothpick doesn't have to touch the table, and it can stay sanitary for further use.
Most people just let the toothpick roll on the table, allowing it to collect germs along the way. But now, knowing your toothpick has a holder, you'll never have to worry about that again.
Rearview Mirrors Have More Functions Than People Think
Rearview mirrors seem pretty self-explanatory; they're essential when driving and let you see the cars and road behind you. But have you ever been driving at night when someone has their high beams on, and suddenly it blinds you? Most people think there is no way to avoid this, but most rearview mirrors have a hidden feature that helps with this. Take note of the small tab on the bottom of your rearview mirror because it's important!
You can flip that little tab, and it will dim the headlights in the reflection so you can drive safely and still use the mirror! Genius.
Plastic Lids Can Also Serve as Coasters
What is the purpose of a plastic lid that comes with a drink? Well, it seems pretty self-explanatory. It keeps your drink from spilling out of the cup; if it's a hot drink, then it helps keep it warm, and it even has a hole so you can sip from it! But that's not all it does. Did you know it actually can function as a coaster and will hold the base of your cup in place?
Most people use a lid as they think it's intended, but using it as a coaster is the ultimate life hack that will change the way you use a plastic cup ever again!
Cotton Pads Have Two Sides for Different Purposes
Cotton pads are one of those ordinary products you don't give much thought to. Has it ever crossed your mind that the two sides to a cotton pad are entirely different? There's a special reason for that. The smooth side is meant to use with toners and lotions, while the raised side is perfect for cleaning and even taking nail polish off. You would assume both sides do the same thing, but now you know better!
Seemingly straightforward, these pads that everyone uses are another simple item that has a hidden purpose no one would ever guess!
The Secret of Childproof Pill Bottle Caps
Most typical pill bottles are childproof, which seems to be common knowledge. But what most people don't know is that this feature can be disabled! There's actually a built-in hack that's super simple. If you don't have kids around, then childproofing is unnecessary, so you just need to do one thing. Flip the cap upside down and just twist it right on. It's actually intended to fit perfectly and becomes a regular cap.
Now you don't have to use a childproof cap when you access your pills. This feature makes accessing your medicine easier than ever!
Microwaves Have Black Grating to Protect You
Microwaves are one of those things people use all the time but never really question. Well, the front door of a microwave is usually made of glass so that you can see the food cooking inside. But have you noticed the black holes that cover it? They're called faraday shields, and their real purpose is to block electromagnetic fields! Therefore, the microwave becomes a container that keeps radiation all in one space.
Who knew the black hole pattern on every microwave door wasn't just a universal design look? It actually has a very important purpose!
Condiment Paper Cups Fit Way More Sauce Then We All Thought
A rookie mistake most people make when eating at a fast-food restaurant is getting a ton of these tiny paper condiment cups. They have a table full of tons of ketchup cups, which never seems enough. Then you're left wondering why they're so small in the first place. Well, most people don't know they are meant to be unfolded and then can entirely turn into sauce platters! No more fussing over tiny cups that hardly fit anything.
This feature of condiment paper cups is not widely known but is a game-changer, instantly enhancing any food experience. Now you can have as much sauce as you'd like!
Caps Have a Plastic Disc for One Function
Plastic bottles usually have caps with a tiny piece of soft plastic in between the cap and bottle. What's the point of them anyway? Well, this little hidden item serves a very important purpose. Without it, your favorite carbonated beverages would be flat. It also is there to ensure the cap properly seals! It would be a nightmare to have a flat soda that keeps spilling out of the bottle because the cap doesn't work.

So next time you screw the cap off your soda bottle, take a second to appreciate the little plastic addition that keeps your drink fizzy and delicious, and not all over your pants!
Notebook Margins Were Invented Because of Rats
Notebooks are one of those things you never really think about. You just use one when you need to and never think about how or why it was created. But there is a specific reason why notebooks were initially printed with margins. Turns out it used to be common for rats to chew on your paper, so to preserve your work and ensure they didn't eat through anything important, margins are left on the outer edges for them to nibble on.
Now just in case, a pesky rat wants to snack on your paper, the blank edges will make sure it at least doesn't bite anything important.
The Holes on Aluminum Foil Boxes Are There to Make Life Easier
One of the most annoying things is when you need to rip a piece of aluminum foil off a new roll, and you can't find the seam where the foil starts. Or even when the roll itself keeps moving around in the box, making tearing a piece off feel impossible. But the box isn't there just to hold the foil; it has another purpose that would make life so much easier.
There are holes on the side of the box that you're meant to put the roll of foil into so it locks in place! Who knew?
Cardboard Takeout Containers Can Double as Plates
Chinese takeout is one of the most common food to be ordered, so much so that it's ironically recognized for its white takeout boxes. Especially when you're feeling lazy and ordered delivery, pulling out plates and silverware is the last thing you want to do. Well, this secret function of takeout boxes will surprise you. You can actually unfold the boxes into cardboard dinner plates and eat right off of them!
Now there is no need to wash any dishes! Just eat the takeout food right off of the makeshift plate, and your life is instantly easier.
The Drawer Under Your Oven Is Not Storage
Do you know that little door underneath your oven? People primarily store extra pans or baking trays there. But did you know that it actually serves another way more helpful purpose? Most ovens have this drawer to ensure it stays warm but doesn't overcook! So now you might want to find a new storage place for all your other trays and start using this compartment for its intended purpose!
Now you don't have to worry about your food getting cold; just move it to the drawer underneath the oven, and it's set to stay nice and warm.
There Is Actually a Purpose for Silica Gel Packets
Do you know those little packs of silica beads that come in so many different packages? 'Do not eat' is always written all over them, but they have a purpose besides that that most people don't know about. They're meant to suck moisture out of their surroundings, so by adding them to packages, it ensures everything on the inside stays dry! Who knew these random little packs of beads could do so much?
They might've seemed useless, but these might packets do a lot. If you ever drop your phone in water, try placing it in a bucket of these beads to save it!
Those Hidden Pockets in Underwear Are Deliberate
Women's underwear often has an extra piece of cloth that looks like a pocket, leaving many confused. What is the point of this fabric? It can't actually be a pocket because it's too small to fit anything and would be really uncomfortable to wear. Well, that piece of fabric is actually called a gusset and has a purpose most people would not guess by themselves. It's there for hygienic purposes to prevent any infections from forming!
If your underwear is made of scratchy material like lace, a cotton gusset will be added for comfort. So they aren't a manufactures mistake; it's intentional!
Keyboards Have Grooves on the Keys Your Fingers Should Rest on
Nowadays, people are using computers and typing on keyboards almost every single day. Did you ever notice those tiny little grooves only on the "F" and "J" keys? They are so small that they're almost hidden but actually are intentional. They are meant to indicate that those keys are the ones your index fingers should rest on when you're typing. Then you can feel where the "home position" is without looking down at the keyboard.
Most people thought they were there strictly for design purposes or didn't notice them at all. Now you can improve your typing with this secret unlocked.
Lollipops and Their Plastic Sticks Are Not Whistles
Lollipops were always a favorite treat as a kid! But after eating the candy, did you notice there was a small hole left in the plastic stick? This isn't a mistake or design flaw; it has a secret purpose. It's designed this way so that the lollipop doesn't fall off the stick! The hot candy is poured into the mold and leaks into the hole; this way, it hardens on the stick.
A lollipop stick isn't actually meant to be turned into a whistle; the hole is necessary, so the candy doesn't fall off!
You Could Be Wearing Bobby Pins All Wrong
Whenever you see someone wearing a bobby pin, the chances are the curves are facing up. Well, this is a common mistake people make; in fact, bobby pins are intended to be used a certain way. They intentionally have a curve design so they can quickly grasp onto your hair and stay in place. But most people use them upside down without knowing that's not how they are supposed to be used!
Now you'll know if the bobby pin is being used correctly if the smooth part of the bobby pin is facing up so it can blend easily into your hair!
Soda Cans Have Place-Holders for Your Straw
Soda cans are one of those items you've seen a million times; how can there possibly be a secret purpose you've never heard of? Well, the tab you use to open the soda can is multi-functional! The hole in the tab can actually be used as a placeholder for a straw. You just have to twist the tab around so it sits over the opening and places your straw right through.
Now sipping your bubbly drink out of a straw is easier than ever. Who would've known that a tab on a soda can could have another fun unheard-of purpose?
We've All Been Eating Tic Tacs Wrong All This Time
Would you believe most people have been eating Tic Tacs wrong? Usually, when you reach for one of these minty candies to freshen your breath, ten fall out! Trying to shove them all back in the tiny opening is always frustrating. But the package actually has a secret feature that perfectly dispenses the mints one by one! Who knew the odd shape was intentional to make eating these candies easy?
The secret trick is to flip the package over, open the flap and tilt it slightly, so a mint slides right into the indentation. Now one precious mint will dispense perfectly for your pleasure!
The Metal Rivets on Your Jeans Are Strategic
Jeans are one of the most common pants to be worn, and not much thought goes into why they're designed the way they are. It was very common for the stitches to come undone and little holes to appear all over the jeans, and this is where metal rivets came in to save the day. You might've assumed it was a design choice, but it actually helps strengthen your jeans!
The metal rivets are placed in areas that experience the most wear and tear and help keep the stitching together to ensure the fabric doesn't rip apart in those areas.
Wooden Closet Hangers Are Life-Savers
People might've thought wooden hangers are expensive and have no purpose other than being aesthetically pleasing. This results in people only buying plastic and wire hangers instead! But wooden hangers have a particular purpose that makes them worth buying. They are mostly made of cedar wood, which repels bugs and helps protect your clothes! Especially any clothing made of wool, wood hangers will ensure moths don't attack them and keep them in mint condition.
So wooden hangers may be more expensive than the alternative, but their true purpose is necessary in order to protect your clothing. Not to mention it does make your closet look more put together!
Paper in a Tub of Pringles Is the Ultimate Hack
Potato chips are always the tastiest and most addictive snack too much on. Of course, Pringles are a favorite, but the bottle design is a bit bizarre. If your hand is too big for the tub, you can't fit it in and grab chips! Your other option is to turn it upside down and hope the crumbs don't go everywhere. But there is a secret way to eat them that not many people know about.
If you insert a piece of paper into the tub, the Pringles will perfectly slide out onto the paper, mess-free!
Converse Sneakers Have Extra Holes but Not for Ventilation
Converse shoes are some of the most popular sneakers in the entire world, with an iconic look that people love. Have you ever noticed the two extra holes near the bottom of the sole? Many believe that these holes are there intentionally to allow ventilation. But that's not all! Most people hardly noticed those holes were even, but they can actually be home for cool charms, and you can even fit shoelaces through them!
Sure, ventilation is essential, but now that you know you can decorate those extra holes on your sneakers, Converse just became much more unique.
The Gas Signal in Your Car Indicates Something Important
Whenever you get a new car, rent one, or maybe drive a family member's car, you're not familiar with which side the gas tank is on—no need to be embarrassed because this happens to most people. But there's actually a hack to always know which side it's on. The gas symbol near your steering wheel should have an arrow or pump icon on the same side as the gas tank in your car.
This hidden feature is easy to miss. Now you'll never pull up to the wrong gas pump at a gas station again because you'll know exactly where to look!
You Should Always Know How Much Pasta to Cook Using This
Everyone loves cooking pasta, but it's easy to make a simple mistake by making too much or too little pasta. But those special pasta spoons are designed primarily to combat this problem! You might've thought the mysterious hole in the middle was just to let the water or sauce drain, but it has a very useful purpose. The hole is the exact size of how much dry pasta equals one serving.
So now, when you are cooking pasta, you can just measure your dry pasta with a spoon and have the perfect amount! Who would've known that making pasta could be this easy?
The Lash-Tab of a Backpack Has a Pretty Cool Function
Tons of backpacks have that diamond-shaped design that seemed to be a fashionable design choice or just the logo of the backpack brand. But it actually has a different intended purpose than just making your backpack look cool. It's called a lash tab and is meant to hold extra items that may not fit in your bag. You could tie shoelaces to this loop to hold a pair of sneakers which is super convenient.
This little function comes in handy and looks super trendy at the same time. Truly the best of both worlds.
The Colors of Toothpaste Mean Different Things
It's not uncommon to find toothpaste that is colored red, white, and blue. But if you were to ask someone why toothpaste is multi-colored, the chances are very slim that they'd know. It's not just for aesthetic purposes to make your toothpaste look cool; this hidden information must be known. The colors are symbolic of what the toothpaste actually does. The colors represent freshness, fighting tooth decay, and healthy gums.
These colors remind you of all the important things to note when taking care of your mouth! Who knew the stripes weren't just pretty to look at?
Boot Loops Help You Get Your Shoe on
Boots tend to have loops on the back of them, and though they appear to be a fashion statement, they were built in intended for something completely different. If you ever have trouble putting your boot on, just grab onto the loops to help push your foot in! Most people think they are there just to show off the shoe brand's logo, but it's meant to make putting your shoes on easier.
Another fun function that boot loops are good for is hanging your boots! Why would you have to hang them? If they ever get wet, they can be hung up to dry!
Shirt Loops Are Meant to Easily Hang Your Shirts up
The little loops on the back of button-down shirts seem to have no real purpose. Maybe it's just there to look cool, or perhaps it's actually just a design mistake? But they do, in fact, have a secret purpose that most people don't utilize! The small extra piece of fabric is nicknamed 'locker loops' because it's meant to be used to hang the shirt on a hook in a locker room.
This way, by hanging the shirt up on the loop, you don't need to carry around a hanger, and it won't get wrinkled from being folded up.
Toblerone Chocolate Is Specially Designed
Of course, the famous chocolate Toblerone is best known for its taste, but more so for its iconic look. It was first created in Switzerland, which many say is why the chocolate is shaped in triangles to resemble the Swiss Alps. But its design was actually for a different purpose. It's shaped in triangles, so you can easily snap off a bite-sized piece, and then the chocolate bar will stay intact.
So not only is this special triangular-shaped chocolate pretty to look at but it's also designed to make it fun and easy to eat!
Utility Knives Have a Trick
Utility knives these days are usually made of plastic in which the blade can slide out to be used or pushed into it's not exposed. But if the blade dulls, it might seem like you have no choice but to buy another one or a knife sharpener. But there's actually a hidden feature that people don't realize! There's a plastic lid attached to the top of the blade that can be taken off.
What is the point of taking the thick plastic cap off? It exposes the other side of the blade, which would be sharp and ready to use!
The Marks Between Tire Treads Are Purposely There for Safety
For those of you who don't know much about cars, it can be confusing to understand what makes a good tire. Those designs on tires aren't just for looks. They are crucial and necessary for quality tires! All of the marks between the tire treads help ensure you drive safely on the road. The grooves in between help move water away on the streets while driving, which prevents the car from slipping.
Who would've known these random little markings have such an extremely important purpose?
Certain Toothpaste Caps Have Spikes to Help You Open the Bottle
A ton of toothpaste bottles have those tiny white caps with a spike on them, but not many people don't know why. It may seem pointless, but the spikes have a very specific and useful purpose. When you open a brand-new toothpaste bottle, it usually has a small piece of protective foil on it, and it can be difficult to peel off. That's where the spike on the lid comes in handy!
You can use the spike on the cap to pierce through the protective foil without struggling to rip it off; your toothpaste is open and ready to use.
The Secret to Getting More Deodorant
A deodorant bottle is pretty self-explanatory; what else could there be to explore about it? You know that annoying part when there's still a little deodorant left in the bottle, but you can't push it out any further? There's a special hack! The bottom should unscrew; then, you can use a pencil to push the rest of the deodorant up. But most people wouldn't know you could open a deodorant bottle and do this.

Instead of wasting the last bit of deodorant left in the bottle, this will allow you to push up the rest, getting at least another inch.