1. "Hey, Look, It's Me"
This bird landed on the page about himself, and he is not happy with what is written. "That is pure lies. I do not weigh that much. I have been on a diet."
He wants the world to know that he is much more intelligent than this book says, and he got a high score on his SAT (Songbird Achievement Test).
2. Once In A Lifetime Picture
This doesn't look like it was taken from planet Earth. This crazy picture is a rainbow over a full moon, and it is breathtaking.
Haters may say it's fake, but it happened, and this person was lucky enough to see it in real life.
3. Puppies 1,2, and 3
A dog gave birth to three puppies and they came out with corresponding numbers on their backs. It looks like they got stamped as they left the womb.
Now, there is no need for color-coded collars to remember which one is which. That makes it so much easier, and it's a good reminder that they are siblings later in life.
4. "Mirror, Mirror On The Foot"
The dragonfly must have thought he saw a pretty female to make with and was really disappointed when he realized it was fake.
Would you be afraid if a dragonfly landed on your foot and stayed there? Insects are scary and dragonflies are large insects, so very scary.
5. Right Place, Right Time
"COOOKKIEEESSS!!!" "Sorry sir, we don't have cookies at the bar." "Cookie Monster sad." Do you think they realized that their shirts created Cookie Monster?
Although this coincidental moment is fascinating, why does he have a sweatshirt that says cookie?
6. The Fire Looks Just Like A Dragon
This fire-breather looks like he is about to kiss a fire dragon. This is such an exciting art that they perform, and this photo is magnificent.
Remember in Shrek when Donkey falls in love with the dragon? This is the live-action version, and they are still very much in love.
7. Found His Wallet 20 Years Later
This man was a fisherman and 20 years prior, he dropped his wallet in a lake, and wasn't able to find it.
Twenty years later, he was fishing in the same spot, and he found his wallet in one of his fishing nets. That goes to show that he has only fished in the same place for 20 years.
8. Full Double Rainbow
In rare circumstances, it is possible to see a full 360-degree rainbow from an airplane window. It must be even rarer to see a double 360-degree rainbow.
Cue the double rainbow dance guy and tell him he needs to change it to double round rainbow.
9. "Come On Bro, Let's Fly Away From Here."
This looks like it is trying to make the guide book a pop-up book. It must have thought that the butterfly on the page was one it could mate with or a friend.
How long do you think it stayed there until it realized that the butterfly was just a picture? Do butterflies know what pictures are?
10. They Are Never Getting Back Together
These trucks must have planned to drive their route next to each other so that all the 13-year-old girls on family road trips could be excited.
It would be amazing if they were blasting Taylor Swift songs while they drove next to each other.
11. A Flamboyance Shaped Like A Flamingo
A flamboyance is a large group of flamingos, and this group formed themselves into a giant flamingo. They probably don't realize what they created, but that is why it is a coincidence.
Do you think they knew what they were forming? Was this their signal for the UFO?
12. A Spaceship With It's Cloaking Device Activated
This unique cloud formation with a hidden rainbow was seen in Australia. It is interesting because it looks like the heavens are opening up for the world to see.
If you are a Harry Potter fan, you are familiar with Voldemort's dark mark that is cast up into the sky. If Voldemort was happy and not evil would this be his "dark mark?"
13. Moquito Killed By A Dart
It must take a lot of precision to be able to kill a mosquito with a dart. It is unknown if this was on purpose, but congratulations to the person who accomplished this.
That person should enter in a dart contest for this accurate shot. They also get points from saving mankind from these savage insects.
14. Aliens Have Entered The Chat
A man was trying to see the northern lights, but instead, he saw a green meteor flying in from space. It looks like he is going to need to call the Avengers to save the world from the impending alien invasion.
This is not a picture of aliens landing, but the green color that is given off from a meteor crashing into the earth is burning nickel.
15. His Blind Son Found A Four Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are rare to find, and they are considered to be extremely lucky. A sighted person would have trouble finding one, but this blind boy was able to pick a perfect four-leaf clover.
His sense of touch must be very high because he had to feel all the clovers to find a four-leafed one.
16. William West And William West Arrested In Two Different Locations At The Same Time
William West and William West are two different men who look eerily alike. On the same day in 1903, they were sent to the same prison. This was very confusing for the guards.
They were not even related to each other. This is one of the reasons why fingerprints are now used to identify people.
17. That is Insensitive Monster.com
In 2016, a man went on a firing rampage at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Before there was a final death toll, the early reports said seven people had been shot.
Coincidentally, Monster.com sent this user a notification that seven jobs had opened up. That is sad but also comical at the same time. It is still too soon to laugh.
18. Sychronicity
The water's edge lines up perfectly with the wite stripe! It also looks like the road marking machine went rogue in this situation.
This little corgi loves the beach, and she loves how perfectly the water matches her neck stripe.
19. Ken Doll In Real Life
This man accidentally was twinning with the gift his sister bought for her daughter. Now that is what we call a coincidence!
The Ken doll is not wearing socks with his loafers because that is not part of the fashionista style. To each their own.
20. Leprechaun Turf Wars
Mother nature has a way of creating amazing coincidences like these eight rainbows all in one spot.
This is probably where leprechauns keep their pots of gold, and if you follow the ends of the rainbow you can witness the epic turf war.
21. A Rare Blue Lobster
The odds of catching a blue lobster are 1 in 2 million. This person better be going down to the store to pick up a bunch of lottery tickets.
It would be nice to think that they returned this rare creature to the ocean instead of boiling it for a lobster roll.
22. Stripe Shirt Club
These four strangers all happened to be in the same place wearing the same shirt. Was there a mime convention in town?
If that was taken in France it would be a pretty typical day since all French people dress like mimes, right?
23. That Is Just Sad
To all those people who were having great luck and went to buy lottery tickets, this person was not feeling the same way.
They could have won the lottery if all their numbers had been adjusted by one digit. That is a level of unlucky that we never want to experience.
24. Trees Care About Cars
The tree was falling, and it obviously didn't want to cause more damage to the car, so it curved around the car.

How this person got so lucky is a mystery, but it is a major win for him and his wallet.
25. Rudolf, Is That You
An albino deer was spotted in Wisconsin, and it is a great photo because these deer are easily spotted, so they are usually great for hunters. It is rare to see them as adults.
Why anyone would want to harm this beautiful animal is mind-boggling. It is like a magical animal you would only see at the north pole.
26. Sign Saved By Chance
The owner of Dolores Restaurant got really lucky because they don't actually have to replace their sign.

It still shows that it is a restaurant, and that is the important part. That will save them money and time.
27. Eggscellent
Eggsperts say the chances of this is happening are one in 11billion. Those eggsperts are not actually qualified to calculate those odds, but it seems probable.
It is a lucky day to get a double yolk, but it would be even more amazing to get a quad yolk.
28. When Someone Asks To Share Food
This plate somehow cracked in half without shattering. Now they have the perfect plate for sharing food.
It would be easy to fix if they wanted to, but it is also cool to keep like that if they can seel the cracked edges.
29. The Moment You Realize You Are In Trouble
"It was at this moment that little Billy knew he really messed up, and you are probably wondering how he got to this point." He always wanted to learn how to unicycle, so his dad helped him advance quickly.
He was unaware that his wheel was loose, and he had to think quickly in that moment.
30. Chameleon Dress
On one side she can blend in with the red car, and on the other side, she can blend in with the blue car. If there is any other colored car next to her she is perfectly visible.
When she wears this dress she makes sure to only park her red car next to a blue one, and she circles the parking lot until she finds that.