1. A Legendary High-Five
High-five has an interesting history but never has anyone high-fived someone in such an awesome manner.
The smile (somewhat evil) on shark’s face makes this high-five more legendary.
2. Make Some Noise for Mr. Invisible
Although Mr. Invisible loves the sport, he is also taking precautionary measures to prevent a head injury.
According to news, it was a one-sided game because Mr. Invisible just wanted to win and so he started to play without his helmet.
3. What Kind of Magic Is It?’
We are not sure if it is magic or some weird party trick, we are just amazed at the perfect timing of this photo.
By the way, it took 453 attempts and two months to take this photo…or maybe just one try was enough.
4. Bird-Woman
Have you watched the movie Birdman? No need to watch it because now you have seen Bird-woman.
We have to say that this photo looks super convincing. It deserves to be a poster of a movie.
5. Valentine’s Day Photo of The Year
We hope that this photo was taken while John Paul Young's song "Love in the air" was playing in the background.
Just so you may know, it is also a perfect photo for anyone who loves coffee and hates Valentine's Day.
6. Don't Drop It
Now here is a perfectly timed photo that required some creativeness and patience.
Thankfully they didn’t drop the moon, or else there would be some leakage in it. Okay we admit that it was a lame dad joke.
7. Calling For Duty
When duty calls, you got to leave whatever you’re doing. It is exactly what this man did.
More respect for you. Legend has it that he safely landed on the ground with the same pose and without opening his parachute.
8. Extreme Commitment Level
If you look closely, you’ll notice that despite her short height she actually jumped to have a perfectly timed photo.
We give 10 out of 10 marks to the photo and 1000 extra marks for her commitment.
9. Hey Superman Is That You?
Before you start thinking about why is superman without his costume, you should know that this person is Gotzon Mantuliz.
He is known for his adventures with his dog Noa. His Instagram verified account has some super amazing photos. Interestingly, most of his pictures are perfectly timed.
10. Great Landing Place
After looking at this photo, we’ve started to believe that it is a waste of money to build helipads.
Why build helipads when you can easily land helicopters on human legs.
11. These Are Pretty Long Legs
Who knew you could watch people that have such long legs outside of the circus.
By the way, his new outfit looks way classier than the one he is wearing.
12. Next Rowing Chamption in Making
This cute doggo is being considered the next rowing champion and we don’t doubt it at all.
The look of commitment and excitement in his eyes says that he is here to win a big bag of treats.
13. You Don’t Believe Giant Cats Exist? Okay Just Wait!’
Next time anyone tells you that big cats don’t exist, just show that person this photo.
Before you show this photo, make a bet of like $100. You’ll win the bet for sure.
14. A Keen Reader
It seems like the toddler had too much reading for one day. He is such a bookworm.
Or who knows he went to sleep hoping to meet the doggo in his dream.
15. When Photography Made Diving Into Swimming Pool More Awesome
Diving into a swimming pool is fun, but it isn’t awesome. However, the photographer knew how to make it look super impressive.
The details in this photo are really remarkable. We loved it!
16. Taking Fun Everywhere You Go
Who knew riding a bus would be so fun. They seem like having a great time of their lives.
Well, it can be a lot of fun if you take along an aquapark with you.
17. Creepy Eyes
“I don’t look Sandra in the eyes; she creeps me out,” said Sarah with a pirate patch on her left eye.
“Yeah totally, it looks like she is staring into your soul with a devilish smile on her face,” replied Molly with crooked eyes.
18. You Are Way Past Narnia
Remember The Chronicles of Narnia? Well, this photo isn’t taken from the movie’s set.
This horse-headed man’s diet used to be human-grade food, but now he only eats grass.
19. Can't Control It
When you have a habit that defines you, it is hard to get rid of it.
This doggo can’t control his habit of sniffing other dog’s butt. Scientists believe that it will take at least two hundred years to find it why they do it.
20. "Caught Ya You Sick Bastard”
The world is full of people who wait for the opportunity to steal what they think belongs to them.
The same is the case with this bird who stole poor parrot’s snack. “Hope you can’t digest the snack and you get loose motion!”
21. ‘Hey, Where Are You Taking Away The Sun?’
The authorities took quick action to prevent the sun from getting stolen.
According to resources, it was a rouge alien who was jealous of our lovely sun.
22. An Alien Taking A Swim
In a 2002 American science fiction horror film Signs, it is shown that aliens are afraid of water.

Well, this alien is not like those shown in the movie. This one is just enjoying taking the usual morning alien swim.
23. Who Knew Men Could Have Such Hot Legs?
“Hey, what hair removal cream do you use for your legs?”
Huge respect for bartender for doing his job while wearing heels and taking such good care of his legs.
24. Just Some Clouds Supporting A Tree
The tree was feeling sad that all its leaves had fallen, so the clouds came to support it.
Scenes like this happen in cartoons, so it is refreshing to see them in real life as well.
25. Fire Breathing Doggo
Now that Game of Thrones is over, here is a new series in the making: Game of Doggos.
Inspired by the dragons from the hit TV show, this doggo is showing off some of his hidden talents as well.
26. Check Your Background Before Taking a Photo
This woman lives in Switzerland and took the wrong train for the first time in 8 years.
While she was waiting for the next train, she took a selfie. Instead of deleting it, she knew that the world had to see it. Great thinking lady!
27. A “Tail” of True Love
Cats are known as affectionate animals who can be really mean at any given time.

These cats wanted to show their love for each other and what better way there is than using their tails to make heart shape.