This Is Actually Terrifying
Imagine getting invited to a pool party in Oklahoma only to pull up and see this. Yeah, the whole city's going to be the pool, apparently. There aren't many things scarier than a high tide. Something about the site of a rising body of water big enough to engulf a man has been terrifying humans since the dawn of history. Whoever said water wasn't scary was obviously lying.

Basically, it seems like this pool party will last quite a while. We hope people brought plenty of floats and a few different bathing suits to change into.
What Even Is That?
Don't you hate it when you're going swimming and accidentally stumble upon an ancient terror demon with tentacles, waking him from his millennia-long slumber and promptly ushering the world into an age of darkness? Oh, that's never happened to you? Well, that's what'll happen if you go swimming in this lake. So if ancient beings teeming with cosmic terror aren't your thing, you should probably stay away from this lake, wherever it is.

On an entirely different note - what were the people who designed this sign even trying to convey? Surely they weren't actually talking about ancient, dangerous underwater beings, weren't they?
That's Just A Fancy Way of Saying Water
Look, we're definitely no chemists, so we may not know for sure - but isn't liquid ice just water? If not, then somebody's going to have to come around and tell us exactly what liquid ice truly is because it sounds like water to us. If it isn't water, maybe the company behind this drink should consider re-naming its product. Like, this branding is just so confusing.

We wonder what the person who came up with this name was trying to achieve. Sure, liquid ice sounds kind of cool at first, but when you really think about it, it's just a weird name.
Why Would They Need A Helmet?
So in case you're having trouble seeing exactly what's written on the sign, we'll spell it out: "Children 17 and under must wear a bicycle helmet. No Exceptions." Now, we have so many questions about this. Firstly, why 17 and under? Why not 18? What's so special about 17? Secondly, why on Earth would they need a bicycle helmet? Is the restroom riddled with swinging anvils and rolling boulders and other slapstick traps?

Finally, why are there no exceptions? What could ever be so urgent that you can't even bend the rules just a tiny bit when push comes to shove? We're so confused and amused all at once.
A Tomato-Strawberry Monster
We're not quite sure how it happened, but this person somehow managed to grow a bunch of strawberries inside a tomato. Now, when we say we're not sure how that could have happened, we really aren't underplaying it - we have absolutely no clue as to how a strawberry could possibly grow within a tomato. This is the kind of thing that would have been deemed a miracle in medieval times.

The original poster of this photo said their aunt grew the tomato from tomato seeds, only to find out that the tomato had a bunch of strawberries within its confounds.
Somebody Read Too Much Moby Dick
We're willing to bet that the person who owns this boat is called Ishmael. Now, he's probably busy doing something, that's why he had to park his boat for a second, but the second he breaks free from whatever preoccupation he has going on for him, he'll be out there hunting that gosh-darned whale. That is, at least, the only explanation we have as to why on Earth someone would lock a boat like this.

Either that, or they're on the rowing team and, for some reason, are keen on taking their boat wherever they go. Those are the only two explanations.
A Ghost Car Drove Through Here
So we're no experts on cars or anything like that, but we're pretty sure that what we're seeing in this picture is proof that something impossible just happened. There's no way a regular car could've driven through the patch of snow and left those exact tracks without crashing into the pole there. That leaves us with two options: the first option is the boring yet sane option - somebody made those tracks by hand, presumably to confuse people.

The second option, while less probable, is a lot cooler - someone was driving a ghost car that defies the laws of physics that define our physical world.
Somebody Give This Car an Antiallergenic or Something
We're not sure what type of allergy this car has, but it's blowing up like some kind of pufferfish. Seriously, this can't be healthy for it. Someone should take this poor vehicle to a hospital or something. We didn't even know cars could get like this; seriously, what could have turned this car into the bubbly abomination we see before our very eyes in this photograph? Does anyone know?

Surely somebody must have some idea as to what on Earth happened to this poor car. It's a shame, really, that a perfectly good car was ruined. It's enough to make a grown man cry.
Is This Some Kind of Dog Cult?
It seems that all these dogs have been inducted into what we can only assume is some kind of dog cult. Either that or that dog in the middle is instructing a yoga class. Those are the only two options we can think of. Otherwise, this just doesn't make any sense. Also, why on Earth is there a guy in the back saluting them? That just screams cult-like behavior.

Now, leaving aside the horrifying implications of a dog managing to found a dog cult, this picture is actually amazing. It's just so bizarre. It's almost, in a way, artsy.
The Banana Duck Rebellion Has Begun
The day of reckoning is upon us. That's the only explanation we have as to why ducks dressed up as bananas are roaming the streets. Perhaps these poor banana ducks were once regular humans just like you and me. Alas, what a cruel fate they must have met then; they morphed into banana ducks. We wouldn't wish that upon our worst enemies. Well, maybe we would, but they'd have to be really despicable.

But seriously, if anybody has any idea why a bunch of geese dressed up as bananas is roaming the streets of some (obviously forsaken) city, please let us know.
Something's Wrong Here
Look, we're no experts when it comes to card games. We don't know how to count cards in Blackjack; we're not quite sure how poker works; heck, we're not even sure how long it's been since we last held a deck of cards in our hands. Nevertheless, we do know this - there are no 11s, 12s, or 13s in a deck of cards. Either that, or we've been lied to our whole lives.

We're not imagining things, right? If you look long enough at this picture, it almost seems natural, as though these cards were featured in every deck of cards there is.
Spot the Secret Agents
If we had one guess as to what on Earth was going on in this picture, we'd have to say that it probably involved these two stormtroopers playing secret agents or something like that. Perhaps they weren't truly invited to the party and therefore had to disguise themselves as the lovable and iconic stormtroopers to get in. Then again, just having a couple of stormtroopers that nobody knows running around would be pretty weird.

But that definitely wouldn't be the first time a party has been incredibly and outrageously weird. Even if it was a wedding party, it might've been what the newlyweds wanted.
The Most Cursed Item of Clothing Ever Made
There's apparently a new up-and-coming industry taking off across the world - clothes for cows and other four-legged barn animals. There is just no other way to explain this abomination of a sweater. This poor woman tried to buy herself a nice grey sweater, only to find that the designers had stitched on a pair of extra sleeves. We've never seen an item of clothing more cursed in our entire lives.

The person who designed this sweater sure has a lot of explaining to do. Not to us - they don't owe us anything - but to this poor woman. Bless her heart.
This Guy Has the Whole Barn Looking Through His Window
What the hell is going on here? The amount of biological diversity in this photo is actually incredible. Why on Earth are so many different animals leaning against this person's kitchen window? What could he possibly be doing that would interest a cat, a dog, and two chickens? Like, if it were just the cat or the dog or even the chickens, we'd probably understand, but the whole bunch of them?

Whatever it is this person's cooking up, we need the recipe. We need to make ourselves a plate of something that's so good it interests the whole farm.
How Did He Even Get Up There?
So there are only two things that could've happened here: either this dog possesses the gift of flight, and he propelled himself up to that tree, or that tree came down to him and just snatched him off the Earth. After all, it's well known that dogs, for the most part, cannot climb up trees. That much is inarguable. So that pretty much leaves only those two options.

Okay, but seriously now. Look at him. He looks so lost. He has no idea what to do with himself, and we don't blame him - we wouldn't have known what to do in his place, either.
This Is Almost Impressive, Really
There comes the point where tragedy gets so bad and, quite frankly, odd and unbelievable that it almost becomes impressive. This photograph of three cars piled on top of each other like some modern-day Stonehenge is surely a case of just that. We're not quite sure how on Earth the people who got into this car crash managed to accomplish this feat, but it is truly and utterly remarkable.

Like, we can't even imagine the series of events that led to this particular formation of cars. How does one get cars to pile up like that? We have no idea.
A Grizzly Bear and A Kid in A Bear Costume Hanging Out
It's an unfortunate fact of life that animals are sometimes incredibly easy to fool. This is true of even the most respectable and esteemed animals out there, such as the bear. Don't believe us? Well, this picture shall settle your doubts. Look at this kid in a bear costume just hanging out with a bear that obviously thinks he's looking at one of his own kind. Isn't this picture tragic yet adorable?

But the naive honesty of animals is a huge part of their charm, come to think about it. We probably wouldn't like them as much if they were very conniving.
We Wouldn't Be Calmly Reading the Paper If We Were Him
There's a lot that should be said about airplane security paranoia. A lot of people are unreasonably scared of going on planes for no apparent reason other than the fact that it sounds scary, when, in fact, they had more of a chance of getting into a car accident on their way to the airport than they do of having their plane crash. The person reading the paper in this picture, however, seems way too relaxed.

Seriously, look at him just idly scrolling through that paper next to an airplane window sealed together with a cardboard box. He should be much wearier of the situation than he seems to be.
Nothing to See Here, Just Penguin Rush Hour
Yup, absolutely nothing to see here. It's just Penguin Rush Hour. You know, that thing that happens everywhere and all the time; nothing conspicuous or even remotely unique about this Penguin Rush Hour as opposed to the countless other Penguin Rush Hours you've probably seen throughout your life. So you really should keep scrolling down the article because there truly is nothing to see here. Nothing. At. All.

Okay, so we're going to drop the act for a second and just acknowledge the fact that this may be the strangest thing ever photographed and uploaded to the web.
Well That's One Way to Spice Up Your Job
If there's one thing that can make your 9-5 that much more interesting, it's goofing off elaborately and gloriously, really taking the time to put your heart into whatever kind of non-job-related activity you're doing instead of your actual job. That's pretty much the main takeaway from the hit sitcom The Office - things are that much more interesting when you're doing anything but whatever you're supposed to be doing.

But the key to this is to truly make sure that you're giving whatever you're doing everything you've got. If you don't apply yourself, it won't feel worth it.
Double the Fun
This is one of those Inception-like scenarios of a dream within a dream within a dream, but instead of dreams, it's a bunch of stuffed tigers! Or, you could look at this as a Thanksgiving Tiger stuffed the way a Thanksgiving Turkey would be. Either way, it isn't every day that you manage to win something at the carnival, let alone two prizes for the price of one. Isn't that something?

Seriously, those carnivals can be so stingy when it comes to prizes. That's why we're so stoked for this person who managed to win two stuffed tigers instead of just one.
Why Isn't This in the Olympics?
These guys just invented a new kind of sport, and it's absolutely incredible. We're not even sure what the rules are - it seems to be some demented combination of tennis and ice skating - but we do know that this has the potential to be an Olympic sport. Seriously, for some reason, this photo makes the sport seem so fun. After all, what's not to like about tennis rackets and ice?

Now surely, such a glorious sport must have a name. How about we call it - Ice Tennis? Or is that too obvious? What about Slide-Net? That works for us!
Someone's Out of the Loop
Look, we don't want to put anybody on blast, and we sure as heck don't want to go around telling people how they should be doing their job, but whoever wrote this sign really had absolutely no idea what was going on. It's as though he was ordered to write this sign without anybody telling him what to write, and he just had to improvise or something.

Seriously, somebody should go ahead and clue the poor guy in so that he can come and redo the sign. After reading this, we would have no idea what to expect from the road.
Even the Dogs Are Confused
The thing about taking your pet snakes out for a walk is that you can't actually walk your snakes, given the fact that snakes cannot walk. You can, however, take your pet snakes out for a crawl or even a slither, but not a walk. On a serious note, though, this picture does beg the question: how often do you have to walk these bad boys?

The picture generally raises a lot of curiosity regarding house snakes; how much attention do they require? Do they play with their owners? What do they eat? We have so many questions to ask this man.
Here's to Never Furnishing Your Car With Human Hair
Okay, if there's one thing we'd like you to take from this article, it is that you should never, ever, not under any circumstances, even if somebody's life rests upon it, furnish your car with human hair the way this lady did. That's just unacceptable. Oh, how far have we strayed from the grace of the Lord? Truly, this must be the end times. There's no other way of seeing it.

This is just completely deplorable. No sane person should ever do this. We're sorry, but that's just how we feel. Why anyone would ever think to do this is completely beyond us.
This Is Like A Surrealist Painting
This just looks like one of those modernist paintings that features a bunch of people at a scenic location all doing a lot of totally unrelated things, making it hard to determine who the drawing is "about." The same can be said for this picture right here - there's no clear protagonist, just a bunch of goofy people goofing around in their own special and particular way. We love it.

What's for certain is that these people, who comprise the original poster's swim team, definitely know how to fulfill the potential of a group photo to the utmost. This is pushing the limits of the genre for sure.
We're Not Sure What This Guy's Trying to Accomplish Here
Look, truth be told, we have absolutely no clue what this guy is trying to do in this picture. It makes absolutely no sense. Taking your fish, which must remain underwater in order to breathe, for a walk, makes zero sense. There's just no convincing us that this makes any semblance of sense. We're not going to budge. No matter how many times this guy takes his fish out for a walk.

That being said, this does make for quite the photo. If you ever find yourself in dire need of a fire Instagram picture, you may want to go ahead and look into buying a fish.
He's A Regular There
It must be true what they say: good bars tend to attract a wide variety of strange people you would never meet anywhere else. The best bars manage to somehow add a few non-human lifeforms to their clientele. This picture of a cat just smacking and drinking means that this bar isn't just good; it's amazing. After all, cats tend to be the best judges of character.

Apparently, this cat just shows up to the bar every night, and nobody has a problem with that. In fact, the bar even welcomes him and gives him snacks and a glass of water.
Maybe Whoever Packaged This Was Colorblind
We're not sure what kind of colorblind ghost possessed the person who packaged this (or even worse - the person who designed these packages), but we have a bit of constructive criticism for them: the white rice should be packaged in a white bag, as opposed to the brown rice, which should be packaged in a brown bag. It'll just make our lives a lot easier when scrambling for ingredients in the kitchen.

What's the deal with this packaging anyways? Did they do it on purpose? Was this some kind of lapse of judgment? The person responsible for this has a lot of answering to do.
They're Carpooling
We're not sure why or how this could even happen, but these ducks managed to somehow get a ride. It seems as though the critters have somewhere to be and that they need to get there fast. Well, let's just hope this motorcycle driver put the pedal to the metal and got them where they needed to go as fast as he possibly could. Ducks are busy creatures, after all.

This is definitely one of those things that make you ask yourself: what is going on? Why is this happening? But, then again, that's a question without an answer. So why bother?
The Birth of A Nation
This is history in the making. Truly this has got to go down as one of the most important historical photographs of all time. How many times have we seen such an incredible, monumental moment captured on camera? Not a lot, that's for sure. Whoever took this photo managed to capture the moment in which this man managed to recruit his loyal army of dog servants and create his dog nation.

The nation shall truly be the most adorable nation ever founded. The citizens are righteous and true, and their leader is an honest, genuine man. It's enough to bring a tear to your eye.
Talk About A Hit and Run
Okay, we're not trying to point any fingers or make any unfounded accusations, but let's just say that somebody is definitely guilty of running over some poor feathery creature. That tire is proof of just that. Oh well, we guess running over innocent creatures who accidentally found their way onto the road is just a part of life sometimes. It's sad, sure. But it's also natural, and there's solace in that.

Let's just hope nobody got into any trouble for this. That wouldn't help anybody. It's true what they say: what's done is done, and it is what it is.
How Rough Is This Neighborhood That People Steal Bodies?
Wow, and you thought your neighborhood was rough. Truly, you aren't living in the bad part of town if your neighbors aren't gravedigging and snatching human bodies. That's a new level of theft right there. We've never even given the concept of gravedigging much thought in our lifetime, but the person who had to lock his coffin probably did. We wonder if he learned this lesson the hard way.

This basically means - we wonder if the person who locked this coffin had a coffin stolen from them in the past. That has got to be a mistake you can never make twice.
Mission Impossible
Somebody's going to have to break it to these two people that no amount of hard work or ingenuity or Tetris-like maneuvers is going to get that huge thing into that tiny car. There's just no helping that. Truly the way they're going about this reminds us of the way we try to organize our day - nothing seems to quite fit. Oh well, guess they can always call a moving company.

We wonder which one of these people spearheaded this whole operation. It surely couldn't have been the cameraman who saw both the tragedy and the comedy of the situation and couldn't help but snatch a picture.
Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition
Listen, we've heard of a lot of ways to eat pizza. There are many strange, deplorable, truly degenerate pizza-eating methods, but this one has got to be one of the weirdest. As if eating pizza with a knife and fork wasn't weird enough, this guy took it to the next level and substituted the fork for a pair of chopsticks. We're not sure what he was trying to achieve, but he certainly achieved it.

What's most striking about this picture, however, is the fact that people there are just sitting idly by without turning their heads, as if this were something perfectly normal.